Oh my gosh. Hey guys. It has been such a busy/awesome/crazy past couple of days. I honestly can't remember the last day I blogged. I think it was Monday night. I was going to update you on more of what we did on Monday but then Tuesday and today got super busy.
Anyways one major event on Monday was definitely working in the God's Love Kitchen. Can i just say God's Love is amazing. They really have made strong connections with their clients and their system of giving out meals is extremely impressive. The building itself is so nice, and the kitchen is well equipped. The staff are so friendly and always make sure that we are okay, well fed, and instructed. It's awesome that GLWD not only feeds patients with AIDS but also has expanded to help those that can't get out of their houses. They really strive to provide healthy meals and they don't question anyone who needs food. The only criteria is that you have to have some illness.
In the kitchen the cooks taught us how to chop onions, package meals, and label entrees. That's pretty much what we did on Monday. Unfortunately, as briefly mentioned on Monday's post, Lexie's finger got cut with a very sharp knife and so she and Holly went to the hospital. The good thing though was that GLWD was able to still keep Lexie involved with other tasks so that she was still able to be apart of the process =). Good news: Lexie's finger is okay and recovering!!!!! =)
Tuesday: what a day. We woke up at 615am and went to bed at midnight. Nonstop. We did meal deliveries on wheels yesterday. Everyone in the team (except Sarah and Adriana) was paired up with a local driver. They didn't have enough drivers for everyone so Sarah and Adriana cooked in the kitchen and learned to make seafood casserole!! yum. Anyways, everyone had a different experience with their driver. Speaking from my own experience, I loved my driver, my route, and the delivering food. It was challenging at first though because I was super tired and also my driver was new to the system, didn't know the route, and forgot his GPS charger. When the GPS died we spent a good hour trying to find a place to buy a charger. He was frustrated, I was tired, and we were wasting a lot of time. Fortunately we found a charger and got the route started. Everyone who received meals was very gracious. Some people invited me in, some people gave tips, and others were simply friendly. However, I did notice that some of the clients were a bit worn out or had difficulty smiling. Many seemed to have a tough "outer shell". For example, I delivered one meal and the lady was a bit rude and was like "you're late" but as soon she realized I was new and as soon as I smiled and apologized she seemed to have felt bad. Many incidents like this occurred. I also was expecting all the apartments and houses to be run down but actually a lot of the houses were very nice and spacious. It was cool that GLWD didn't refuse to help these people even though they might have had money.
My driver's attitude was a bit challenging. We were on a new route in Brooklyn and he was not familiar with the streets or clients. He was complaining a lot and I was having a hard time being sympathetic. But after he explained to me that on the previous Friday he had been robbed at gun point, and then on the next day he had gotten the GLWD van into an accident, and that today he forgot the GPS charger, I realized that maybe his complaints were valid. I was shocked that he was robbed at gunpoint and how well he was handling it. It was also interesting to learn about his background as a citizen from the DOminican Republic and as a freshly graduated highschooler working a job that forced him to wake up at 4am and sleep at 6pm, 7 days a week. A very different life from what I have.
The group then got back together for a bit and decided to split up to do separate things.
A bunch of us went to NYU and chilled in Greenwich Village. It was amazing. It was like the DIAG but wayy cooler with a circular fountain thing in the middle and a huge arch. Everyone was so trendy!! Also, it was nice watching other people do homework while knowing that I would be done for the next 4 months ;)
AFter NYU, I went on a run to Central Park, while Sam, Lexie, Holly, and Ashley napped in the church. Sarah and Adriana went to Central Park a bit after to walk around. CP is amazing. Everything is in full bloom, tons of people walking their dogs, and TONS of runners. Also there was many playgrounds, bridges, rock sculptures, and bikers. It was like heaven for me.
After the run everyone got ready for a comedy show. The comedy show in itself could take up an entire blog. There were a lot of reactions to the show and many different emotions. I will probs write about that tomorrow.
Also, one thing. Nathaniel made a very racist joke in front of the Haitian desk man named Giovanni and it offended many people. We had a huge discussion today during dinner about how we should react to Nathanial racist joke and how we should go about dealing with it. I know my struggle with the situation was that after Nathaniel said the joke I got offended on the inside and now I am having a hard time being polite or friendly towards him. It's been hard for me to be near him even though I feel bad for him. I asked the group their feelings and it sparked a huge debate. I know that everyone thinks what he did was unacceptable but how to go about it was a topic that I wanted answered. Adriana's view point about handling the situation with love was something I really could relate to. I think that although Nathaniel was wrong, that we should understand not everyone has been taught what's right and wrong, and Lexie commented that even when we know, we still sometimes make mistakes. I think that we shouldn't judge Nathaniel but that we shouldn't necessarily keep quiet. I think that we need to be kind towards him because he may not understand his rudeness but that maybe there's a way we could speak up about what he said. Ashley made the point that yes we need to understand where he's coming from but that if we just say we understand and let his comments slide then nothing will change.
This conversation also related to the comedy show. Many jokes at the show were racist, crude, or dealt with making fun of identities in a very rude way. The question was and still is: if we agree that Nathaniel's comments were unacceptable and that we should speak up, then why weren't or aren't we bothered with the comedy show? This is a question that has been really hard for me to answer and got our whole group thinking. I know that I CAN"T stand humor about crude sexual things. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and devalues the beauty of being a certain sex and intimacy. However, why didn't I walkout of the show like Holley and Ashley. I think it's because, for me, I know that not everyone deals with oppression the same way I do. Some people joke about it. Are the jokes acceptable....I don't think so. However, it seems to me that the comedians realize their jokes are JOKES and not reflective of their actual beliefs. Some people disagree with me on this. And honestly, I'm not sure about what the comedians believe. However I do know that a lot of comedians deal with life's struggles by making fun of themselves and others. Their view: life's too short to be taken too seriously. Not my view, but a view to consider. I think it's important to realize not everyone deals with things the same way, not everyone has been brought up the same way, but understanding, love, and openness can help bridge gaps. I think that there needs to be communication and awareness of how jokes can hurt people. But I believe that being angry about it isn't going to change anyone or anything. I think there needs to be an effort to make others aware of their actions but through LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, and KINDNESS.
Phew. Me and Sarah went on a long run and talked about this today. It was great. I love my group and I am so thankful to be here and challenged.
Okay also fun events of the day:
Ashley, Me, Holly, Adriana, and Sarah made walking deliveries and met an amazingly beautiful lady client who was so gracious, talkative, and lovely.
Sam and Lexie went to time square to do deliveries and got to go to the MnM store and Hershey store afterwards
My walking group got to see J Lennon's apartment complex and Strawberry fields
Me, Holly, Adriana and Sarah talked for a LONG time in a cute european cafe about LIFE (roommates, the trip, etc.)
Lexie, Ashley, and Sam went to the Museum of Natural History and saw gems from Sri Lanka (woot woot I am from there)
We all went to times square and Me, Holly, Adriana, and Sarah saw MAMMA MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All i can say is that we were dancing queens by the end of the show ;)
Lexi, Sam, and ASh went to the rockerfeller center and we all got put on the big screen in Times Square!
Finally we had nasty froyo at Tasti D Lite. Me and Sarah are going to complain on Yelp.
Sarah and Me went on a long run and had deep convos about social justice
Oh yea...Adrianna locked the key in the shower. Oops. But now she's trying to pick the lock with a bobby pin. Good times. Me and Sarah washed our hair in the sink as a result. Haha. So fun!
okay...I need to go to bed. We are waking up at 615am tomorrow....AHHH. SO EARLY.
Dayani and GLWD
PS: not checking grammar, spelling, or anything. Sorry if none of this is readable. I am tired haha.
Images coming soon =)